Backpack Meals for Kids brings new program to elementary school children in Bellevue.
Several years ago, a group of concerned citizens in Bellevue noticed there was a need that existed in the city’s schools. While there were many children being helped through the free and reduced lunch program, these same students were struggling to get the food they needed over the weekend. Thus was born the Backpack Meals for Kids non-profit organization. With a board of driven and passionate Bellevue natives at the helm, Backpack Meals for Kids worked to provide shelf-stable bags of food to students on Fridays so they could find sustenance over the weekend.
The program became a quick success, and the Backpack Meals board discovered just how significant the need was. A few dozen bags given out per week grew to hundreds. Backpack Meals for Kids focused their efforts on Junior High and High School students, and made sure that anonymity was kept for all students involved. Parents, teachers, administrators, and family advocates have applauded the program, and it continues to grow. Beyond the obvious benefit of fulfilling students’ food needs, backpack programs across the nation have seen improved focus in class, better GPAs, and increased school attendance since implementation.
The Bellevue Firefighters Community Support Foundation is elated to announce that we’ve paired with Backpack Meals for Kids to offer up, for the first time ever, weekend meals for Bellevue elementary school students in need. The scope of the program is growing exponentially, and we look forward to our future collaboration with this fantastic local non-profit.